Tuesday, August 11, 2009

T.L.E Subject

I learned so many things on this first quarter. In my T.L.E. subject , I learned more about the history of Internet and about computer. In my other subject, I learned about more good attitudes, how to solve, about economics of the Philippines, about motion and others about Physics, about literature and parts of the speech, parts of the letter and about El Filibusterismo.

The problems that I had are how to make my project and assignments and others.

I address my problems by just doing whay I know and pass it. However,it is true and good as well.

moving on. I will do my best in doing my project or assignment and pass on time. Study hard. I will change my bad attitudes and I will continue doing what is right.........


  1. ..your blog is interesting but please try to improve your writing skills.And please elaborate more about what you've just post..But inspite of it all i still appreciate it..good luck!!

  2. same tayo ng post!!! nacopy mo yata!!!!!! joke!!!!

  3. very nice post men..

    keep up the good work .....
